A Divine Design
hen a major crisis erupts somewhere in the world, you will likely nd the President of the United States in a special place: The Situation Room. Located somewhere below the West Wing of the White House, this 5,525-square-foot conference room is a 24/7, one-stop hub of top-secret information. Equipped with the latest communications technology, the Situation Room is an “intelligence management center” run by the National Security Council and is used to monitor major crises at home and abroad, enabling the president and his advisors to have real-time command and control of all U.S. forces around the globe. However, even more secure than the Situation Room is a safe-room located deep beneath the East Wing of the White House. Called the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), this reinforced underground bunker serves as a special communications center in times of extreme crises, such as in the event of a nuclear attack. The PEOC was constructed during WorldWar II for Franklin D. Roosevelt as an evacuation point for any life- threatening attack to the Commander in Chief. During the September 11 attacks, for instance, high-ranking government leaders were evacuated from their o ces to the PEOC, which had been built to withstand a direct hit by a nuclear warhead. Cosmic Crisis Did you know that the government of heaven once came under attack, endangering the security of the entire universe? Through the in uence of the most powerful angel, named Lucifer, a rebellion was triggered against God’s kingdom, exploding like a nuclear chain reaction and threatening to destroy the perfect harmony of heaven. This cosmic war eventually spilled out onto the earth, where Lucifer—now identi ed as Satan, the adversary— lured the rst humans to join his revolt against heaven. However, God was not caught o guard. From the “Situation Room” of the universe, the Creator mobilized operations to save humanity from the life- threatening deceptions of the devil and to put an end to evil, pain, and death forever. The central issue of this con ict is sin, which the Bible de nes as the spirit of lawlessness and the breaking of God’s law (1 John 3:4). Sin, which separates people from W 4 Command Center H E A V E N ’ S
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