All-New Book of Amazing Facts, Vol. 2

8 Back in 2014, Boo Boo the cat disappeared from her home in Watsonville, California, without a trace. However, three years later, the brown tabby showed up in Canada—more than two thousand miles from home. How did it happen? When the Ontario Humane Society received Boo Boo as a stray, she was plump and healthy and her fur was soft and groomed—hardly the picture of a weary traveler. Adrienne McBride, the executive director of the animal shelter, said, “She is in fantastic shape. She is so well-fed, she might need to go on a diet when she gets home.” Boo Boo’s owners were shocked and happy to get a phone call from Canada. Just how Boo Boo traveled so far remains a mystery. But her owner said that Boo Boo was an outdoor cat that had a habit of hopping into strangers’ cars. She believes Boo Boo may have accidently hitchhiked her way across the border with one or more drivers. Thankfully, the traveling feline was microchipped. When the cat arrived at the Humane Society, the chip revealed her surprisingly distant home address. The truth about Boo Boo’s three-year adventure may never be known, but did you know the Bible says that people also have a tendency to wander? “ All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the L ORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). Boo Boo the Cat Two Thousand Miles from Home Animals & Biology Stock photo illustration