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Page 1 - Freeing Souls Stuck in Babylon
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Freeing souls  inഀ
August 2017  BABYLONഀ
An Amazing Fact: Recently, a couple in the United Kingdom                                                                                                       ©ഀ
had their leisurely walk turn into a desperate fight for survival.ഀ
Crossing a low spot along the English coast, they became stuckഀ
in quicksand. As one struggled to help the other, they both sankഀ
up to their waists in the muck. They knew that without outsideഀ
help, the tide would soon come in and drown them. A call toഀ
emergency services brought a Royal Air Force helicopter thatഀ
rescued the couple in the nick of time.ഀ
Dear friend,ഀ
     Kim was at the end of her rope and sinking fast. But you helped save her in the nickഀ
of time.ഀ
     You see, after her father died, Kim’s world turned upside down. “His deathഀ
horrified me,” she shares. “He didn’t know where he was going when he died.” Neitherഀ
did Kim, which plunged her into a deep despair.ഀ
     Countless souls feel the same way. They don’t understand the real issues of lifeഀ
and death—and the confusing and unbiblical doctrines their churches teach only makeഀ
matters worse. Many are caught in the quicksand of deception and see no way out.ഀ
     But God wants to rescue these precious souls trapped in Babylon—spiritualഀ
confusion and darkness. And your sacrificial gifts to Amazing Facts are constantlyഀ
freeing people stuck in the mire of Satan’s lies. Like Kim …ഀ
A Broken, Sinking Lifeഀ
     Kim admits her life was a mess. She had wealth—a big house, new cars, cash—butഀ
her unbelieving husband’s drinking destroyed their relationship. They soon divorced,ഀ
and that’s when Kim’s dad died. Heartbroken, she turned to sin for comfort. She says,ഀ
I was “a messed up, out-of-control sinner.” And then, to make matters worse, sheഀ
discovered she had cancer.ഀ
     Sometimes when people are at their lowest, they turn to God. Kim searched theഀ
airwaves for real answers, and the Spirit led her to Amazing Facts programs. She says,ഀ
“God carefully guided me, drawing me step by step.” The more videos she watched—ഀ
made possible by you—the more she was lifted up to a new, richer understanding ofഀ
the Bible.ഀ
                                                                                                                                                  (over, please)
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