Amazing Health Facts Magazine

from breast milk! Because of the liver’s ability to produce cholesterol, we simply don’t need a dietary source of cholesterol past breastfeeding age. The Evidence Research proves the connection between nutrition, health, and longevity. Cardiovascular Disease: Is it harmful to have a little cholesterol here and there? One of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease is following a cholesterol- free diet. In fact, one study found that consuming a balanced plant-based diet reduced the incidence of heart disease by 86 percent. Another scientific article pointed out that a total vegetarian (vegan) diet could prevent approximately 90 percent of all strokes and 97 percent of all heart attacks! Indeed, research shows that consuming animal byproducts has a harmful effect on health. According to Dr. Hans Diehl, founder of CHIP, the Coronary Health Improvement Project, “The average risk of heart disease for a man eating meat, eggs, and dairy products is 45 percent. The risk for a man who leaves off meat is 15 percent. However, the risk of a vegetarian who leaves off meat, eggs, and dairy products drops to only 4 percent.” Do some foods actually offer protection against heart disease? Yes! It has been found that the “healthy fats” found in nuts and seeds can protect the heart. In one study, people who ate nuts at least five times a week lowered their risk of heart attack by 50 percent. Another study found that people who consumed high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (found in walnuts) had an almost 50 percent reduction in the risk of a fatal heart attack. Studies also show that these fats might even prolong life among those who already suffer with heart disease. Eating ample amounts of whole grains has also been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 25 percent. In another finding, women who consumed the largest amount of whole grains had a 31 percent reduction in the incidence of stroke! Finally, eating your fruits and vegetables can also protect you against heart disease. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that consuming leafy green vegetables Amazing Health Fact Amazing Health Fact nutrition God knew what He was doing with the diet in Eden! Nuts contain the antioxidant vitamin E, folic acid (which reduces homocysteine levels), and plant fiber (which can reduce cholesterol levels). In addition, nuts contain arginine, a precursor to nitric acid, a substance made in the walls of blood vessels that prevents clotting. 6 Did you know that skipping breakfast could be deadly? In one study, skipping breakfast was linked to an increased risk of premature death. By far, the best meal to skip or, at least minimize, is dinner. Another study reported better weight loss, improvement in diabetic conditions, and increased thyroid efficiency among a group of 595 people who consumed their last meal of the day by 3:00 pm .