Page 1 - Confronting the Greatest Mission Challenge
P. 1


                                MISSION CHALLENGE

              February 2018

              An Amazing Fact:  Hinduism, the largest religion
              in India, is also the third largest in the world—after
              Christianity and Islam.  Because Hinduism is a form
              of pantheism, Hindus can choose from nearly 330
              million gods to worship—each deity woven into a
              myriad of fables about creatures, planets, and the
              forces of nature.  Countless hybrid human-animal
              idols can be found everywhere in temples dedicated to
              everything from elephants to monkeys and even rats!

              Dear friend,

                  How can we reach the people of India for Jesus Christ?

                  Did you know that one in every five people on earth lives in India?  Even though its
              landmass is only a third as large as the United States, India is projected to soon be the
              world’s most populous nation, surpassing even China!  Today, 1.3 billion people live in
              this mushrooming South Asian civilization.

                  We have an amazing opportunity today to answer God’s call by proclaiming His
              last-day message to multiplied millions in India who have never heard Bible truth.  If we
              are going to obey the Great Commission and “go into all the world” (Mark 16:15), we must
              not overlook this place—where only two percent proclaim the name of Jesus.

                                                              Making this task even more challenging
                                                          are recent laws in India that prevent foreign
                                                          missionaries from conducting public

                                                              From 1999 to 2006, Amazing Facts
                                                          held numerous large and successful public
                                                          evangelistic meetings and planted many
                                                          churches in India.  Thousands were baptized
                                                          during these programs, but now this kind of

              In 2006, Amazing Facts preached to more than   public outreach is not permitted.
              20,000 people in open air meetings in India.

                                                                                                     (over, please)
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