Page 8 - 2017 Annual Report
P. 8

Amazing Facts Center of

                                     Malcolm Jose graduated from the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) in
                                     November 2017 and is already actively sharing his faith on a Navajo Reservation
                                     as a locally hired Bible worker. Pray for Malcolm and those he will reach for Jesus!
    Did you know?                                                            This is how you built up God’s kingdom in 2017:

                                          I was truly blessed and enriched by
                                        all that I learned from the AFCOE team.   1,018   students were trained by AFCOE to
                                                                                  effectively share Bible truth
    Amazing Disciples: Powerful         I’m not sure what happened, but when
                                         I got home, I began to read my Bible as        14   cities hosted AFCOE to Go training
    Keys for Personal Evangelism, a      I normally would—and I started to cry.   around the world
    13-week lesson book, was created    For the first time, the Bible came alive to
                                        me in a way that I had not experienced        18   students graduated from our full AFCOE
    by the AFCOE team. And more than     before. It was almost as if God Himself   four-month program in the fall
    4,000 watched in person or online   was reading to me. … I also noticed how        20   countries around the world have
    the Amazing Disciples event in       I started looking at people differently;   ministers and lay people trained by
                                            this indescribable compassion
    August, a unique outreach training      swept over me that I can only         the global AFCOE team
    series featuring Pastor Doug and           explain as, ‘It was God!’       600   members trained by AFCOE Africa
                                              —AFCOE to Go attendee               distributed 141,000 Storacle lessons,
    the Amazing Facts team.                                                       20,000 Bible Study Guides, and 2,000
                                                                                  Amazing Health! magazines
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