Page 2 - Historic Prophecy Headlines
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April 27: Pope Canonizes Saints

Pope Francis made history in Vatican City, elevating two famous papal
predecessors to sainthood—John XXIII and John Paul II. Because these
late popes represent opposite liberal and conservative philosophies,
many believe this was done to unify the world’s billion Catholics. Even
more important, it elevated the status of Pope Francis, as the spectacle,
with thousands of Catholic leaders from more than 90 countries giving
their unanimous support, was beamed across the world.

May 9: Pope Advises United Nations on Economics

Francis met with officials of the United Nations to endorse what he called “the legitimate redistribution
of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and
civil society.” Influential columnist John Moody wrote about this event, saying, “Francis … became what
amounts to a robe-wearing politician.”

May 25: Pope Visits Holy Land, Calls for Peace

For the first time, Pope Francis visited the most important holy
sites for Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Jerusalem’s Old
City on the final day of a Middle East tour. Bartholomew I, the
leader of 250 million Orthodox Christians, says his meeting with
Pope Francis in Jerusalem helped move the two churches closer
to ending their nearly 1,000-year divide.

June 1: Pope Attends Charismatic Convocation

Francis spoke to 53,000 Charismatics gathered in Rome for the 37th National Convention for the
Renewal in the Spirit Conference. He knelt as the crowd “spoke in tongues” and prayed over him. The
pope humbly acknowledged he had once been uncomfortable with the Charismatic movement, but
he is evidently feeling much better about it. It was the first time in history a pope visited an event of

June 5: Pope Meets with Joel Osteen

A 15-person delegation, including mega-church pastor Joel Osteen and
members of the Mormon church, met with Pope Francis to discuss the
question: “Can we find common ground to advance the ministry of
Jesus so more people can experience the joy of Christian faith?” Osteen
exclaimed, “I felt very honored and very humbled,” saying he found the
pope to be warm, personable, and full of joy. He added, “I like the fact
that this pope is trying to make the church larger, not smaller. … He’s
not pushing people out but making the church more inclusive. That
resonated with me.”

June 8: Pope Again Inserts Himself in the Middle
East Peace Process

For the first time in history, the pope invited the presidents
of Israel and Palestine to visit the Vatican and pray for
peace. During the two-hour gathering, the three leaders
heard Christian, Jewish, and Islamic prayers from
cardinals, rabbis, and Muslim imams in various languages.
Additionally, for the first time the Koran was read in the
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