Page 2 - Hungering for Holiness in a Wicked World
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Our Mission
     As Amazing Facts marks 50 years of mission, I won’t soon forget the legacy of Joe

Crews and his bold preaching for purity. Like him, I believe God’s biggest goal for our
lives is holiness. Without this transformation, we cannot be saved. “Pursue peace with
all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

     If you agree with me that God has not changed and this message of holiness must
still be proclaimed to the church and the world, I hope you will stand with me in 2016
and support Amazing Facts’ mission to boldly share the high, holy calling God has
for His people. Will you please help me teach and preach straight biblical godliness
to this perishing world as the curtain of history is preparing to fall? Nothing is more
important at this late hour—and your sanctified gift this month makes it possible.

“Be Holy, for I am Holy”
     We have all seen in recent years how the world’s language, dress, music, and

morals have infiltrated our churches. And if a pastor dares speak out against these
creeping compromises, he is quickly labeled a legalist.

     Still, we should never be afraid to stand up for truth and call sin what it is—
otherwise people will never sense their need of a Savior. If a doctor is too concerned
about upsetting a patient and tells him he has a rash when he really has skin cancer,
isn’t the doctor doing more harm than good?

     We have all sinned. And Jesus is the only one who lived a perfectly holy life on
earth (1 Peter 2:22; Romans 3:23). He alone can impart holiness, but that is precisely
His plan—to transform us to be like Him. Because of our love for the Lord, shouldn’t
we be hungering for holy lives?

Preaching Holiness Draws People!
     One Christian writer said, “How little people

know who think holiness is dull. When one meets
the real thing, it is irresistible.” Through the many
thousands of letters, emails, and phone calls we
get in response to the many ministries you make
possible, I can attest to the truth of this. Holiness
is like a magnet to people trapped in the desperate
mire of sin-filled lives!

     That’s why you can be certain that Amazing
Facts remains solidly committed to sharing the
distinct three angels’ message of holiness!

     Indeed, your generous support reaches out
boldly to help people find the way to sanctified
freedom in Christ. Seekers consistently hear the
ring of truth through Amazing Facts television programs, websites, Bible school, and
other ministries. These searching hearts are drawn to the message of holiness as bees to
honey—and their lives are being dramatically changed for eternity!

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