Page 2 - Antichrist in the Temple
P. 2

But He also gave Moses something more: detailed blueprints for a temple.  According
              to the book of Hebrews, this portable earthly sanctuary was actually a small model of the
              Lord’s dwelling place in heaven.
                  This beautiful, unique structure was a three-dimensional object lesson designed to
              help God’s people understand His plan to save and sanctify us through Jesus, our “High
              Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the
              sanctuary and of the true tabernacle” (Hebrews 8:1, 2).
                  This is where Jesus is right now, interceding for us before the Father in the heavenly
              sanctuary (Hebrews 7:25).  Is it any wonder then that the devil is working feverishly to
              confuse people by getting them to focus on a fake third temple?

                  Friend, this is a spiritual crisis of terrible magnitude!
              A Masterpiece of Distraction

                  But because of your sacrificial giving, you’re opening the spiritual eyes of millions so
              they can see Jesus, the one who intercedes for them in the temple above—saving them from
              false doctrines that would otherwise lead them to eternal death.
                  Let me tell you about one of these precious
              souls.  Her name is Nadine.

                  She had been searching for happiness in
              earthly relationships for years—but after two
              failed marriages, she was deeply discouraged.
              While she believed in God, she admits, “I was a
              hearer of the Word but not a doer.”

                  However, one big reason she didn’t take
              God’s law seriously was because she’d been
              confused by the conflicting doctrines of popular
              pastors.  One of those teachings was a twisting
              of 2 Thessalonians 2:4, which says that the
              antichrist would commit blasphemy by showing himself “as God in the temple of God.”
                  Some mistakenly teach that for the devil to sit “in the temple,” it must mean a new
              sanctuary will be built.  What they don’t know is that Satan doesn’t need to enthrone
              himself in literal Israel; instead, he’s trying to show himself as God within the church—
              “you are the temple of God” (1 Corinthians 3:16).
                  Bible prophecy warns that a world religious power would open “his mouth in blasphemy
              against God [and] His tabernacle” (Revelation 13:6), teaching that God’s Ten Commandments
              are nullified, no longer binding.

                  Friend, this has already happened … and only a few know the truth!  The antichrist,
              proclaiming that he stands in the place of Jesus, has diverted people’s attention to an
              imaginary earthly temple in the Middle East, when our eyes should be fixed on “the
              Jerusalem above” (Galatians 4:26).

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