Page 1 - From Criminal to Christian
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              November 2018

              An Amazing Fact:  Known as Richard Nixon’s “hatchet man” and the
              “evil genius” behind the notorious Watergate break-in, Chuck Colson was
              convicted in 1974 and served seven months in prison.  During this time, a
              friend introduced Colson to Jesus—and the felon experienced a dramatic
              conversion.  Moved with compassion for his fellow prisoners, Colson went
              on to found Prison Fellowship, which became the nation’s largest Christian
              prison ministry.  In 2000, Florida Governor Jeb Bush pardoned Colson,
              restoring his full civil rights.

              Dear friend,

                  Today I want to tell you about Dennis, and how God used you to save, transform, and restore
              the life of this former drug dealer.

                  Nothing inspires me more than seeing how radically lives are transformed by the power
              of the Holy Spirit.  And what’s incredible is how God invites you and me to be part of this
              amazing process!

                  It’s true!  Every single day, you help thousands of precious souls know God through the
              ministry of Amazing Facts.  Some fi nd liberating truth through our websites, some through
              our Bible School, some through our TV and radio broadcasts—and some, like Dennis, through
              watching an Amazing Facts evangelistic DVD.

                  The sad truth is that the devil wants each of us dead.  But thank God, Jesus off ers us eternal
              life.  “He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come
              into judgment, but has passed from death into life” (John 5:24).  And you helped Dennis make that
              “death to life” transition!
                  I believe his story of transformation will greatly bless you as it has me …

              Always in Trouble

                  “I was always getting into trouble,” Dennis says.  When he was just four-years-old, he and his
              older brother decided to pick fl owers from the neighbor’s yard.  When the neighbor called the
              cops, the brothers were so angry they decided to set their neighbor’s garage on fi re.

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