Page 4 - From Criminal to Christian
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Dennis is now a living witness for life-changing truth.  Let’s please labor together to multiply
              workers like him to fi nish the work so that Jesus can come soon!

              Giving so others can live,

              Pastor Doug Batchelor
              President, Amazing Facts

              P.S.  Dennis was a criminal who became a faithful Christian—because you cared enough to give.
                  Yet so many more in this sin-stained world are searching to get off  the devil’s path and climb
                  toward God’s kingdom.  Will you please help them have a death-to-life transformation in
                  Christ today?  Thank you for being a diff erence maker!

                              URGENT! PLEASE READ …
                              You may not know that Amazing Facts
                              survives from month  to month entirely
                              through the generous gifts of our
                              friends.  We receive zero subsidy from any
                              organization or church denomination.
                              Because of that, we never know exactly
                              how much God will provide each month.
                              We are always striving to balance
                              optimistic evangelism with practical

                              Right now, Amazing Facts is seeing more evangelistic opportunity
                              to help people know Christ and His truth than at any other time in
                              our history.  Unfortunately, over the past summer, donations were
                              unusually low.

                              The last thing in the world I want to do right now is to cancel TV
                              programs, stop publishing work, or curtail projects.  I would deeply
                              appreciate if you would prayerfully consider making an extra
                              generous gift today, enabling us to increase our harvest of souls in
                              the months ahead.  Thank you!

                                      Reaching the World With God’s End-Time Message

                            P.O. Box 1058 • Roseville, CA 95678-8058 • 916-434-3880 •
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