Page 2 - From the Desk of Pastor Doug Batchelor
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As part of our plan to reach them, we’re translating all our programs
        into Farsi, so these millions will hear God’s message in their preferred
        tongue.  The beautiful thing is, after watching our programs, they can
        then immediately download our Farsi Study Guides for free from the
        Internet--and share them with others.
             Only a small percentage of people in Iran and Afghanistan openly claim
        to be Christian, but there are many closet believers.  One lady from the
        region wrote to tell me that Amazing Facts materials are like “an oasis
        in a dry land.”  Let’s not forget our brethren starving for God’s Word
        in these foreign lands!
             I realize this is last-minute, but would you respond today so that
        Amazing Facts can jump on this unique opportunity?  The prophet Daniel
        was a faithful witness to the ancient Persians, spreading the knowledge
        of the true God.  And like a modern Daniel, you can also witness for
        Christ and proclaim His soon return in the same country and beyond.
             The estimated cost for an entire year is $100,000 for production,
        translation, and airtime.  This is incredibly inexpensive for reaching
        millions every week, but this was simply not in our budget, so Amazing
        Facts needs a special gift from friends like you to make it a reality.
        Your gift today of $20, $40, or $100--or whatever God leads you to
        give--will send biblical truth to literally millions tuning their
        satellite dishes to the skies, searching for hope and relief.  Let’s not
        disappoint them!  You will be storing eternal treasure in heaven.
             To show my gratitude when you respond to this urgent request, I will
        send you my special message “Sibling Rivalry,” the first part in my
        series Islam, Christianity & Prophecy.  This is a vital, life-changing
        message for these last days, so please share it!  And please remember to
        include your prayer requests on the back of the enclosed card.
             Thank you in advance for helping us reach these neglected millions
        with the truth!

        To every tongue and people,

        Pastor Doug Batchelor
        President, Amazing Facts

        P.S. Millions of Farsi-speaking seekers across the Middle East are
               pointing satellite dishes to the heavens.  You can send them
               hope through your gift today, helping to put our Christ-centered
               programs on Network 7 and reaching countless hurting lives in Iran,
               Afghanistan, and beyond--in their native tongue.  Thank you for your
               much-needed gift!
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