Page 3 - A Population and Evangelism Explosion
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Transformational Resources and More

                  Your abiding love of God’s end-time work also expanded the publishing work with
              Kingdoms in Time, a stunning new documentary from Amazing Facts that explores the most
              striking Bible predictions fulfilled throughout history.  And don’t let me forget The Final
              Events of Bible Prophecy magazine, a colorful, soul-convicting resource that you’ve already
              helped deliver into the hands of seekers in at least 35 nations to date.
                  In 2018, Amazing Facts also debuted the online AFCOE course Amazing Disciples, which
              received an overwhelming response—more than 600 students across the globe enrolled in
              the first three weeks!  With your help, even more church members are becoming effective
              witnesses for Christ, exponentially sharing the last-day message everywhere.
                  One outreach effort you made possible was especially close to my heart, as the Amazing
              Facts Bible School reached those even in the most hopeless places.  You supplied inmates
              in 2,745 North American correctional facilities with free Bible Study Guides, books, and
              DVDs—giving them a chance at new life in Jesus Christ.
              A Worldwide Ministry

                  Friend, it’s a simple fact:  In 2018, you made a profound difference in the hearts of so
              many people internationally.  But don’t just take my word for it …

                  “Your website has helped me so much.  The free online library gives me something
                  important to read and share with over 100 of my friends.” —Habiman, Rwanda

                  “On behalf of thousands of listeners who hear Amazing Facts on our local FM
                  station, thank you for the boldness to speak truth.” —Emelyn, the Philippines

                  “I stumbled upon your Revelation series at a military base in Africa.  I watched
                  them and it made me question my beliefs on the fourth commandment.  Thanks to
                  you, my perception of Sabbathkeepers has changed.” —Neftali, Africa

                  Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach.”  This was the driving force behind
              everything Amazing Facts accomplished in 2018—and you were the fuel that took us to
              every far-flung corner of this crowded, dark planet.  What more can I say than thank you,
              thank you, thank you—a million times, thank you?
              Onward, Christian Soldier

                  Friend, your kindness proves that you have my same heart and my same belief that
              nothing is more needed right now in this broken world than the message of salvation.
              And Amazing Facts won’t stop until Jesus’ command is fulfilled.
                  That’s why for 2019, we are finalizing plans to reach the hurting in major cities from
              America and Europe all the way to China and remote islands in the Pacific.  We’re also
              plotting a new outreach event to save God’s precious children, Satan’s favorite target in
              these last days.  And we’re developing new sharing materials about the sanctuary and God’s
              creation—while setting the course for a massive social media and global onslaught that will
              unashamedly share the Bible truth!

                                                                                                     (over, please)
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