Page 2 - AFCOE Online — An Evangelism Explosion!
P. 2

When Sashka turned 21, she met Manuel.  Even though he was an atheist with a
              different worldview, they fell in love and soon got engaged.
                  Sometime later, Sashka’s brother suggested that she attend AFCOE to improve her
              English for university.  She agreed, but she continued to live a double life.  Until something
              amazing happened.   As Sashka studied her Bible for AFCOE classes and participated in
              giving Bible studies, her heart was transformed.  The Holy Spirit took away her worldly
              desires, and she surrendered her life to Christ.  Praise the Lord!
                  Sashka was led back to God while learning how to guide others to Christ.  Isn’t the Lord
              amazing?  God also convicted Sashka that she should not be in a romantic relationship with
              an unbeliever, so she broke up with Manuel.
              Two Miracles

                  Of course, Manuel was devastated by this news.  He could not understand what would
              lead Sashka to make such a radical decision.  Hungry to understand this “AFCOE business,”
              he began watching my sermons online to see what it was she believed.

                  That’s when God performed two miracles for Manuel.  The first is that, even though
              Manuel didn’t speak a word of English, he was able to understand every word I spoke!
              (I assure you, I do not speak Croatian!)  The Bible teachings Manuel heard so stunned him
              that he even shared them with a co-worker.

                  The second miracle is
              that Manuel attended a Bible
              prophecy series as a result
              of watching Amazing Facts
              online—and he gave His life
              to Christ.  And after reading
              the Bible passage, “If you love
              Me, keep My commandments,”
              he even quit working on the
                  After Sashka finished
              AFCOE, she went on an                Over a thousand students in 14 cities received dynamic AFCOE training in 2017.  And
                                                   the AFCOE global team has traveled to over 20 countries to make more soul winners for
              AFCOE mission trip to the            Christ’s kingdom!
              Dominican Republic to present
              a Bible prophecy series.  She
              shares, “Manuel waited for me to return and was baptized in the Adriatic Sea.”  Today, the
              couple have a beautiful family—and Manuel is a pastor!  Don’t you see?  AFCOE is life-
              changing in more ways than one!
              Can You Imagine?

                  But I believe the Lord is calling us to do more with AFCOE.  So I asked, “What else must
              we do to make a bigger impact through AFCOE?”  Time is running short—but the list of
              souls who need to hear the three angels’ messages is growing longer by the minute.  How
              can we train enough people to reach more of the 7.5 billion people in the world?  Imagine …

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