Page 3 - Heartache and Hope in the Holy Land
P. 3

And the evidence that you’re making a difference was
              easy to see as I walked the streets of Jerusalem, Bethlehem,
              and beyond.  Locals and tourists from around the globe
              boldly walked up to thank me for the ministry you’re
              making possible every month.
                  For instance, I was stopped by a Baptist preacher
              from Chicago who said, “I need to thank you for your
              ministry.  I was lost and out in the world, then I began
              watching your programs.  You brought me to the Lord.”
              Providential encounters like this happened at least a
              dozen times—even though I wore a baseball cap and
              sunglasses most of the time!

                                                      One precious soul named Philomena came up to
                                                  tell me that she was baptized as a result of watching
                                                  our programming in Israel.  Overflowing with joy, she
                                                  slipped me a donation for continued ministry.

                                                      The Lord also opened the door for me to preach
                                                  twice in Jerusalem, plus record a powerful live message
                                                  for national television!

                                                      One mission dear to my heart is to reach fellow
                                                  Jews with the gospel.  Thank you for providing the
                                                  funds to meet this need.  It was soul-wrenching to see
                                                  so many Orthodox Jews praying at the Wailing Wall for
              the coming of the Messiah—yet profound to know that because of you, Amazing Facts is
              sharing that He has already come and liberated them from the captivity of sin!

                  While our new Final Events of Bible Prophecy sharing magazine was just released and
              our new Kingdoms in Time prophecy documentary is expected to be ready in August, we
              have more work to do, friend—and the time to do it is shorter than it has ever been.

              No Time to Delay!

                  As last-day prophecies explode off the
              pages of the Bible and into the headlines,
              it is vital for you and Amazing Facts to
              present a true picture so that everyone has
              an opportunity to embrace Jesus.  Because
              of your love for souls, powerful prophecy
              programs are being aired on secular and
              religious stations around the world.

                                                                                                     (over, please)
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