Page 2 - Proclaiming the WORD in the World with Wonderful Power!
P. 2

While their pastor has rejected their call for worship reformation, Mrs. Li
              says her group has faithfully “decided to keep the Sabbath.  We have more than a
              hundred people gathering together each Sabbath to watch Pastor Doug’s sermons
              and study the Bible.  We thank God and ask for His continued leading.”  Amen!
                  Praise the Lord that these souls, who don’t have a Sabbath-keeping church to
              attend nearby, can now join Amazing Facts each week for solid Bible teaching.  I
              thank Him for your faithfulness to provide a pulpit to the world—one that is
              preaching pure truth from the Word!

                  We get messages like this every week.  Bwambale from Uganda tells me, “I
              always study the Sabbath School lesson with you on my smartphone.  I can worship
              wherever I am.”  And Laura, a shut-in right here in America, says, “I can never get
              to church, so you are my church!”

                  Don’t you see that you are loudly proclaiming God’s final message and
              preparing hearts for Jesus’ return everywhere?  But we can’t rest now, friend—indeed,
              the need to sound the final warning message across the planet is greater than it has
              ever been.
              A Growing Mission

                  Did you know that just last year, the world’s population grew by over 80
              million?  That’s now 7.2 billion souls who need Jesus.  Yet only a small fraction has
              heard the Savior’s name, and even a smaller fraction has heard the full three angels’
                  So while your gifts are enabling Amazing Facts to reach more people than
              ever …

                  •  Visitors to our websites now reach 12.7 million each year

                  •  700,000 people in North America watch our broadcasts each week

                  … it’s still not enough to keep up with the need to reach every nation, tongue,
              and kindred with the life-transforming name of Jesus—before it’s too late.

                  In fact, in some ways, Amazing Facts’ evangelism opportunities are being
              severely restricted just as God is calling us to unleash our outreach like never before.
              You see, our small, 50-year-old building is limiting our ability to grow and embrace
              new ways of reaching the world with the everlasting gospel.

                  As our staff crowds into tiny office spaces, we often must postpone new
              opportunities until space is freed up for staff and equipment.  And our media
              studio, often interrupted by a noisy train track and roaring traffic, is inadequate
              for the quality and quantity of broadcasts we need to produce in order to reach the
              world for Christ.  The more we are stifled by these facility limitations, the more
              desperate souls are kept from hearing His life-giving truth!

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