Page 2 - TransformedThroughTheStorm.indd
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During the conversation that followed in the doorway, Marilou shared how her parents
had died, and the students noticed the tears trickling down her cheeks. She was still in
deep emotional pain. They then gently invited Marilou to do Bible studies with them to
help her find answers, promising her that she could find hope amidst the tragedy. She

As Flora and Jessalou began the weekly studies, Marilou’s biggest questions revolved
around her doubts about God’s love, care, and even His very existence. She just couldn’t
understand why a loving, powerful God would allow such terrible things to happen. But
God began working in her heart through Amazing Facts’ trained students and translated
Bible studies, and Marilou, for the first time, sensed His great love for her. She learned the
message of the great controversy between good and evil and realized that it is the devil
who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy,” but that Jesus came so we “might have life,
and … have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

New Hope and Peace

Week by week, Marilou continued to study with Flora and Jessalou and began finding
satisfying answers and comfort from God’s Word. So when the topic of God’s Sabbath
was presented, Marilou felt deep conviction. Clinging to Bible promises taught to her by
the PAFCOE students, she found herself being drawn closer and closer to the Lord. She
started keeping the Sabbath, and as she learned other Bible subjects, her convictions
deepened; she knew that she was hearing truth and that she must follow it.

A short time later, Marilou was invited to
attend an Amazing Facts prophecy series. She
attended every night, soaking up the beautiful
words of life she was hearing! And she wasn’t the
only one being blessed—her children and their
classmates came to enjoy our children’s program!

Even when it was pouring rain or flooding, Flora, Marilou, and Jessalou!
our Bible workers faithfully kept coming,
determined to help Marilou follow Christ.
Still, she was afraid of what her skeptical
husband might say, so she hesitated to make a
commitment. But after a season of intense prayer
at PAFCOE among our students, she made up her
mind that no matter what others thought of her,
she would follow Jesus all the way!

By the end of the series, with wonderful
peace in her heart, she joined many others in
baptism. Marilou is another soul won to the Lord
because of your support! You’ve helped give her a renewed life of peace and the freedom
from the crushing burden of a life without Christ, a life without hope.

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