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Complete Transformation
But that’s not the end of the story! Her husband and her eldest daughter also have

been baptized through the mission work of Amazing Facts. And it has totally transformed
their lives. Not only is Marilou secure in God’s love and full of joy, her family has been
transformed, giving up worldly movies, games, and music—and following Jesus all the way.
She’s even praying about becoming a full-time missionary and getting PAFCOE training

God has a wonderful way of turning tragedies into beautiful stories of renewal and
transformation, doesn’t He? And Marilou’s story is one of thousands happening all the time
around the world because of your prayers and support of Amazing Facts. This kind of story
is what we want to see God replicate in millions of lives across the Philippines and through
our mission work around the world!

Do you see how you have helped bring great joy because you cared enough to invest
in the everlasting gospel so others can see and accept Christ as their Savior? “O you
afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay your stones with colorful
gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires” (Isaiah 54:11).

Well, there are still millions more hurting people in the Philippines longing to hear
these Bible truths and to see Jesus’ love in action through our PAFCOE team. I hope you
will continue to join me in co-laboring with Amazing Facts through your gifts in that nation.
In fact, I’m preparing now to return to the Philippines and complete a harvest for the
eternal kingdom!

It’s Time to Harvest Again!
When Amazing Facts went to the Philippines

nearly two years ago, we were deeply impressed
by the many thousands who were open to
hearing the everlasting gospel. We felt God
calling us to broadcast our television programs on
their country’s biggest cable station, and through
your support, it’s been on every Sunday morning
across the nation for over a year.

The response has been truly phenomenal!
Now it’s time to go back and reap the harvest. You have to believe me when I say that the
people in this land of 80 million are accepting the three angels’ messages by the thousands.
That’s why Amazing Facts must go back now—to reap the investment you’ve made in
God’s kingdom.

So I’ll be going to the Philippines, March 2 to 16, to share a series of messages entitled
“Prophecy Countdown: A Bible Study Adventure for the Last Days.” This massive outreach
will also be supported by PAFCOE training and students on fire for sharing. We have such
faith in God’s work there that we’re even presenting “Prophecy Countdown” in one of the
Philippines’ largest stadiums, located in Manila, a city of more than 25 million. When we
went to the Philippines in 2013, thousands came and hundreds were baptized. We believe
these meetings will have an even greater harvest.

(over, please)

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