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Then, just a few days later, an AFCOE representative asked Carla, “Are you ready?”
“Yes, but there’s a problem,” she replied. “I have no money for tuition.”
“Carla,” the man explained, “This morning a generous friend of Amazing Facts
donated funds for an AFCOE scholarship. Plus, another member in your church
donated half your tuition already.”
Tears of gratitude began pouring down Carla’s cheeks. She
wondered if these donors realized the miracle they had just made
possible. And friend, it is only because of your support that
passionate student like Carla can receive life-changing training
through AFCOE. The fee each student pays covers only about 30
percent of the cost of our disciple training programs.
Carla shares, “I felt like I had been handed a completely new
storybook! This one began with Chapter One: AFCOE.” Carla
immediately packed her suitcase.

A New Holy Soldier
During her first week at AFCOE, Carla devoured the deep biblical insights presented.

Many questions she never even thought to ask were being answered. Her life began
changing in many other ways too, as painful nightmares vanished and bitterness
toward her ex-husband was replaced with forgiveness. Even her health improved
while attending AFCOE!

Carla was once a fearful student, but now she is a compassionate, bold Bible
instructor who travels across North America teaching young people and adults about
Jesus. This new chapter in her life could never have been written except for the faithful
investment from dear friends like you.

You cannot imagine the joy that shines in the eyes of people like Carla who are
given the opportunity to be trained at one of our Amazing Facts training events.
Whether someone gets help with tuition, receives free literature in the mail, or watches
a new Amazing Facts program, you make a staggering, eternal difference.

A Growing Army for Christ
Hundreds of people each year pack their bags to attend AFCOE’s dynamic, life-

changing training. We are deeply committed to equip and empower church members
to become better, more effective soul-winners for Jesus.

AFCOE teaches “regular” people how to give Bible studies, master Bible doctrines,
turn churches into vibrant growth centers, and to find new seekers and lead them to
baptism. Then we teach them how to disciple and mentor new converts … and so
much more!

We even provide mobile AFCOE to Go intensive weekend training seminars,
equipping members and growing His army of servants this year in Miami, Jamaica,
Nashville, Silver Spring, Houston, and Rapidan, Virginia, with dozens more to go in
Durban and Cape Town, South Africa; Las Vegas; Lincoln, California; and many more!

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