Page 4 - Shining a Beacon of Truth in a Dark Land
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Friend, together we must raise the beacon of truth before all the world in these end
              times, not just in Paris, but in all the secular centers on earth—like Berlin, the “atheist capital
              of Europe,” and even Albany, New York, named the “least Bible-minded” city in the USA.
              Will you help me take this gospel to the world before Jesus comes?
                  Cyril is faithfully sharing God’s truth in his new home of Paris.  You, too, can advance
              the Lord’s work there when you support Amazing Facts today.  Thank you for giving so that
              others might look up and see Jesus.
              Lifting high the cross of Christ,

              Pastor Doug Batchelor
              President, Amazing Facts

              P.S.   Secularism has swallowed up Europe, but your gifts are a blazing beacon that
                    proclaims the three angels’ messages in France and beyond.  Thousands like Cyril
                    have been touched by Amazing Facts and are now sharing God’s message—but we
                    need to make more disciples and provide them soul-winning tools.  Let’s lift up a
                    much-needed message of truth to the masses who feel no need for the God who wants
                    to save them.  Thank you for your timely gift!

                                      Reaching the World With God’s End-Time Message

                            P.O. Box 1058 • Roseville, CA 95678-8058 • 916-434-3880 •
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