Page 2 - Proclaiming the Final Events of Prophecy
P. 2

Opening Eyes

                  Even though there is a mountain of data to the contrary, thousands believe the earth
              is flat.  They seem to have their eyes and ears closed, refusing to consider the evidence.

                  In contrast, millions remain deceived about the Word of God and prophecy—because
              they have never seen the evidence!  They are longing for the plain truth and would
              gladly embrace it if they could only see it.  You and I can remove their blinders and help
              rescue millions more from the devil’s slick deceptions.  People like David …

                  He recently wrote me, “My wife introduced me to your television program.  I was
              astounded by the clear understanding with which you revealed mysteries that have
              eluded me my entire life regarding Revelation.  Since I was young, I have poured over
              this book of the Bible and been fascinated by the prophecies contained in its pages.

                  “Only days ago, I spent many hours crying out to the Lord for understanding.  Now
              I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has led me to your ministry.”  Praise the Lord!

                  David adds, “Since coming to your website after watching your program, I have
              spent hours engrossed in the online studies you provide free of charge.  They have
              blessed and challenged me.  They have expanded my understanding of God’s Word in
              ways that years of studying the Bible on my own and listening to teachers from other
              ministries have never come close to.
                  “I thank the Lord God Almighty for bringing me here!”

                  Thank you, friend, for helping Amazing Facts reach David with the Bible truth.
              His Time Is Short

                  Satan knows his time is short, so he
              is doubling his efforts.  Last year we saw
              devastating natural disasters strike the
              earth—floods, earthquakes, fires.  The
              morals of the world are repeating the days
              of Sodom and Noah.  The relentless march
              of terrorists and the flexing of nuclear
              arms by rogue nations all tell me that time
              is short.

                  Late last year, the United States
              recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  This inflamed Middle East tensions
              and diverted millions of confused minds with that deceptive evangelical narrative of
              prophecy, setting the stage of Satan’s ultimate deception.
                  With the urging of local Catholic bishops, Poland recently approved a new Sunday
              law—that other European nations are expected to follow.  It’s happening!

                  Wherever the pope travels—America, Europe, Asia—he calls for Christian churches
              to unite.  Not only Christian churches either, as he’s reaching his hand out to Muslims,
              Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and other groups.  One news writer observed that “Pope
              Francis’ push for unity is going into overdrive.”

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