Page 3 - Proclaiming the Final Events of Prophecy
P. 3

We know Christ never compromised truth in the name of unity.  Neither should we.
              Amazing Facts—with your support—will uphold Bible truth even when it isn’t popular
              to do so.

                  That’s why we need you to stand with us.
              Revealing the Final Events

                  Of the many resources that Amazing Facts has produced, nothing has made such a
              broad impact in helping people understand prophecy as The Final Events of Bible Prophecy
              documentary.  People and churches have distributed over a million DVD copies—and
              millions have watched on YouTube and other websites.  It has transformed thousands of
              lives …
                  •  After watching Final Events, Lorne has “never been
                     the same.”  He purchased 100 DVDs to share with

                  •  Leroy discovered Final Events by accident and told a
                     friend about it.  This friend was actually a supporter
                     of Amazing Facts who led Leroy to join God’s

                  •  A university student in India was invited to a
                     church where someone gave her a Final Events
                     DVD.  It led her to more Bible studies, and she
                     was baptized!

                  The urgency of our times and the pressing need to
              communicate the Final Events message to more people is clear!

                  And today, sharing magazines are a powerful tool to overcome Satan’s deceptions.
              Thousands have told us how Amazing Facts’ colorful magazines—like Hidden Truth,
              Amazing Health Facts, and The Rest of Your Life—have drawn tens of thousands to read
              about God’s truth.

                  That’s why I believe God is calling Amazing Facts to blow the trumpet urgently in the
              same way in order to direct people to the truth about prophecy before Christ returns!
              The Bold Plan

                  So, with your help, we are planning to publish a stunning, engaging magazine based
              on the popular Final Events DVD.  It’s a witnessing resource you can use to present the
              Bible facts about the soon close of time, bringing hope and understanding to tens of

                  Grounded in Scripture, Final Events will feature stunning graphics and easy-to-
              understand articles detailing Bible truths about the signs of Jesus’ return, the close of
              probation, and more.  It will also refute popular but unbiblical teachings about the last
              days and invite readers to discover more truth through the Amazing Facts Bible School.

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