Page 2 - The Four Minutes that Changed Everything
P. 2

As Ronnie and Steve were rushing to pack up their suitcases that day, they left the
              TV on as background noise.

                  Suddenly, Ronnie recalls, “Pastor Doug’s voice caught my attention.  I heard just
              four minutes of the program, but it resonated with me.”  She just couldn’t shake what
              she had heard in those precious minutes of time.

                  After they returned home to Pennsylvania,
              Ronnie earnestly searched for Amazing Facts on
              TV, but she couldn’t locate us.  She tried on and
              off for years to find our broadcasts, but all without

                  Friend, I’m sorry to say she couldn’t find our
              programs because we did not have the funds to
              broadcast in her area.  Amazing Facts is entirely
              dependent on you and our other friends to reach
              “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” with
              lifesaving truth (Revelation 14:6).  The equation is so
              simple, yet profoundly true: More funds mean more souls won to Christ.
              “I found it!”

                  Fast forward a few years, and Ronnie was still desperately seeking to understand
              the Scriptures, but she was always cautious about what she heard on TV.  She knew that
              Jesus plainly warned about false prophets (Matthew 24:4).

                  When Ronnie went on her morning walks, she often prayed earnestly, “Lord, if You
              will show me truth, I promise I will follow it.”  The Lord will never let a prayer like that
              go unanswered!  I’m thrilled to say that soon after, she “just so happened” to discover
              Amazing Facts on the Inspiration Network.

                  She was so excited, she called out to Steve, “I found it!  This is it!”  She immediately
              began recording Amazing Facts’ programs and studying the messages you helped put in
              her home every week.

                  The teachings Steve and Ronnie heard transformed their lives.  They let God’s Word
              change them inside and out—their diet, their lifestyle, and even the day they worshiped
              the Creator.  They had no idea what a Sabbathkeeping church was, but they kept
              studying with Amazing Facts.

                  You know the re-creating power of God’s sanctifying truth in your own life.  When
              people are open to His Word, the messages convict the conscience and lead them to
              a closer walk with the Lord.  But unless the Word goes out, lives will not be changed.
              The apostle asked, “How shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14).

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