Page 3 - The Four Minutes that Changed Everything
P. 3

Casting the Net of Salvation Even Wider!

                  Did you know the word “broadcasting” actually comes from agriculture?  It means
              sowing a field by casting the seeds as widely as possible.  This is why Amazing Facts
              exists!  Jesus commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”
              (Mark 16:15).  This is our mission—to “broadcast” seeds of truth to every corner of our
              God-given mission field, the globe!

                   And because you have stood with us as partners through your gifts, nearly 12
              million hours of biblical truth were sent out through the airwaves in 2017.  That’s more
              than 225,000 hours of end-time messages delivered each week!

                  Casting seeds of truth broadly through media is expensive, but it is staggeringly
              effective.  The annual budget for Amazing Facts broadcasts exceeds $5 million.  Yet the
              cost of reaching just one soul with 30 minutes of gospel truth is just fourteen cents!
                  And remember, it took just FOUR MINUTES of Amazing Facts programming to set
              Ronnie and Steve on a spiritual quest that led them to the truth about the Sabbath, the
              afterlife, the Second Coming, and much more.

                  But there’s even more to this heart-warming story!

              “I’ve been waiting for you!”

                  It was a typical Saturday afternoon when Steve and Ronnie heard a knock at their
              door.  When Steve answered and met two people going door to door, he called Ronnie
              over—naturally, she was wary.  But the couple on their porch, Jaime and Camie,
              “happened to have” a postcard advertising an Amazing Facts prophecy seminar.

                  When Ronnie saw it, she exclaimed, “I’ve been waiting for you!”

                  Not long after, Steve and Ronnie were attending the meetings as Jaime and Camie
              led them through the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides.  They were so hungry for truth,
              they quickly devoured two or three lessons each week.

                  Today, Steve and Ronnie are baptized
              members of a church family they adore.  What’s
              even more exciting, they are actively involved
              in outreach—and they are thrilled to see their
              church is well stocked with Amazing Facts
              resources.  What a joy it was for me to personally
              meet them in Pennsylvania, where I presented
              revival messages a few weeks ago.
              Broadcasting Wins Souls

                  While I’m thrilled Steve and Ronnie found new life in God’s truth, I am saddened
              that it took them ten years to find our programs again simply because we were unable to
              reach their part of the world due to lack of funds.

                                                                                                     (over, please)
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